Contact Us


Journey's End Refugee Services, Inc.
2495 Main Street, Suite 530
Buffalo, NY 14214

Phone: (716) 882-4963
Fax: (716) 882-4977

Monday - Thursday: 9AM - 4PM 
Friday: 9AM - 1PM

When possible, please submit requests and inquiries by email.

Media Inquiries
Theresa DeLuca, Chief Advancement Officer
(716) 882-4963

Interpreting Services
(716) 882-4963 x 207 or x 201

Finance Department
(716) 882-4963 x 205

Immigration Legal Services
(716) 882-4963 x 203

Volunteers / Donations (Volunteering and general donations)

(716) 783-5979 (Furniture pick up only)

Please see the staff information page for individual department contacts.

Financial contributions are greatly appreciated: Donate here.